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What is the Alexander Technique?
"The Alexander process shines a light on inefficient habits of movement and patterns of accumulated tension, which interferes with our innate ability to move easily and according to how we are designed. It’s a simple yet powerful approach that offers the opportunity to take charge of one’s own learning and healing process, because it’s not a series of passive treatments but an active exploration that changes the way one thinks and responds in activity. It produces a skill set that can be applied in every situation. Lessons can leave one feeling lighter, freer, and more grounded.”
Some of the benefits people experience from learning the Alexander Technique:
increased freedom and ease of movement
relief from stiffness, pain and excess tension
relief from neck, shoulder and back pain
improved co-ordination and balance
help with rehabilitation after injury, illness or operations
finding more ease at work
discovering more confidence
Who was Frederick Mathias Alexander?
F.M.Alexander was a reciter and actor, who at the beginning of a successful career found himself struggling with hoarseness and eventually loss of voice while performing. He sought help from doctors and voice coaches, but no one was able to find the cause of his problem.
As his problem did not seem to be a medical one, and only troubled him during his performances, he concluded that his loss of voice must be caused by something he was doing to himself whilst performing.
Determined to find a cure for his problem, he began a long process of self-examination and experimentation, which led to some amazing discoveries. These discoveries enabled him to develop processes which he could use to stop the unconscious and habitual patterns of thinking and movement that had been causing his problem.
He began to share his discoveries with those experiencing similar difficulties, and quickly realised that his Technique was applicable to many other conditions which had previously had no cure.
In 1904 he left Melbourne and moved to London, where he soon established a successful practice, and worked with many well known figures of the time. These included John Dewey, George Bernard Shaw and Aldous Huxley.
Alexander started his first teacher training course in 1930, continuing this work until his death. His work was carried on by his students, and today is taught around the world.
During his lifetime F.M. Alexander wrote four books illustrating and explaining his work:
Man’s Supreme Inheritance (1910)
Constructive Conscious Control of the Individual (1923)
The Use of the Self (1932)
The Universal Constant in Living (1941)
For more information about the Alexander Technique:
The Interactive Teaching Method Association www.itmalexandertechnique.org
The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique www.alexandertechnique.com
The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique www.alexandertechnique.co.uk